Invercargill i-SITE to become a virtual service
21 Mar 2020
In response to the COVID-19 situation and to take the necessary steps to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of visitors to the region, the Invercargill i-SITE is to become a virtual service from Monday 23 March.
This virtual service will be available for locals and visitors to the region seven days.
Great South GM for Tourism and Events Bobbi Brown said this was the appropriate decision to make given the outbreak of COVID-19.
“The health and safety of our staff and visitors to the region are paramount in all that we do. Although we are physically closing the door we will remain active in supporting our local industry and operators, and connecting visitors with the information they need while in Southland via this virtual service,” she said.
Invercargill i-SITE staff will be available via phone (03 2110895) or email, of which the details will be clearly displayed on the Invercargill i-SITE building in Wachner place.
Mrs Brown said that with the Government closing the New Zealand border to almost all travellers on Thursday, the tourism industry was having to prepare for what will be a new normal for some time.
“We appreciate that this is a very worrying time for our local tourism operators, visitors to the country and Southlanders and will continue to provide support through the i-SITE and visitor network as we all navigate this evolving situation,”