About Us
What We Do
Great South works for the benefit of the whole region, placing equal importance on Murihiku Southland’s people, place, environment and economy.

Our priorities for each financial year are provided in our Statement of Intent, which is prepared in collaboration with our shareholders.
Our Roles
Our role varies depending on the nature of the project or initiative we are involved with. It may be to advocate, facilitate, manage, or own. We continue to build on relationships with sector representatives and key Murihiku Southland stakeholders.
We advocate on behalf of the region sharing Murihiku Southland’s point of view as members of various national and regional organisations and boards. This includes for improved digital connectivity.
We work with various organisations to achieve bigger things for Murihiku Southland. This includes our work leading the development of Beyond 2025 Southland Long Term Plan, regional promotion activities and events and leading carbon emission reductions for Murihiku Southland.
We manage various programmes and services, sometimes as part of external contracts, or on behalf of the Government. This includes the Regional Business Partner Network and the Southland Youth Futures Programme. We also manage the two regional tourism organisations within our area, Visit Southland and Visit Fiordland, and their associated digital channels and assets. Additionally, we manage the development of strategies on behalf of the region, such as the Southland Murihiku Energy Strategy.
We wholly own Space Operations NZ. We also own and manage the ILT Kidzone Festival.