Carbon certification partnership to benefit Murihiku Southland businesses
5 Oct 2023

A partnership between Great South and carbon emissions certification provider Ekos will help to reduce the cost barriers to achieving carbon certification for Murihiku Southland businesses.
Businesses who have already, or will in the future, take part in either Great South’s Decarbonisation Workshop Series for business, or its Murihiku Southland Sustainable Tourism Programme, will now be able to access a significantly reduced rate on their carbon certification.
Great South general manager strategic projects Stephen Canny said the total cost for certification would depend on the size of the business’ emissions but this partnership would go a long way towards overcoming a price barrier, particularly for small businesses.
“This is going to be something every business is going to need to take action on if we’re going to reach the government’s goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.”
Going through the carbon certification process provided an opportunity to take a close look at the main causes of emissions in a business and to make changes to minimise these emissions as well as having independent validation which can support product and business branding, Mr Canny said.
“It’s something customers, prospective staff, investors, funders and insurers are increasingly looking for and we encourage any business that takes part in either of our programmes to go through the certification process and to celebrate their efforts through branding and marketing.
The partnership with Ekos came about as part of Great South going through its own carbon certification process, which it achieved last month.
Great South has been offering its Decarbonisation Workshop Series for businesses since 2021. Registrations are now open for the next workshop series, 15 to 17 November 2023.
In an effort to promote sustainability in the tourism sector, Great South started the 10-week Murihiku Southland Sustainable Tourism Programme specifically for tourism businesses last year.
So far, 108 people representing 74 Murihiku Southland businesses have taken part in the programmes.
Great South released the Net Zero Southland Report in 2021 and initiated the Government Waihōpai Invercargill Decarbonisation Contestable Fund in partnership with EECA, which has helped 11 businesses to convert boiler and heating systems to renewable energy.